Pastoral Care

At PLC Armidale, one of our core strengths is our practical, Faith-based and Positive Psychology-focused approach to Pastoral Care.

Our PC @ PLC program is based on the specific needs of each individual, year group, academic stage and our Guild System. Everyone works together to create and maintain a caring environment which encourages resourcefulness and resilience in all students, and fosters a sense of social justice. Within this environment, our students are nurtured to develop self-esteem and confidence, and to grow as individuals.


Upon entry into PLC Armidale, each of our students becomes a member of a Pastoral Care class group and a College Guild, which encourages a sense of belonging to the college community. The Pastoral Care classes are year-group based while the Guilds are vertically grouped, incorporating students from Kindergarten to Year 12.


There are four Guilds: Dixon (formerly Forrest), Hamlin (formerly Gregory), Lovell (formerly Macquarie) and Wilkie (formerly Wentworth).

The Guild System is an important aspect of our Pastoral Care program. Guilds provide a forum for participation for all girls in the areas of sport, debating, public-speaking, music and drama, and provides an atmosphere which enables students to develop leadership qualities, social skills and a sense of community.

Members of each Guild work together to create and maintain a caring and positive environment in which all students are valued as individuals and have the support necessary to develop their own potential, develop independence, have self-esteem, confidence and enthusiasm to make a full contribution to school life and to their Guild. They enjoy and value academic work and take pride in their achievements. They learn to take responsibility for their actions, for themselves and others. They deal with others in a sensitive and courteous manner and become interested and involved in the wider community.

Each Guild has a Captain and Vice-Captain elected by members of the Guild and all students are encouraged to pursue leadership roles.


Positive Psychology is woven into every aspect of life at our school. At PLC Armidale we teach resilience, forgiveness and gratitude, and an appreciation of personal strengths and positive emotions through our Pastoral Care Program, PDHPE classes, on the sports field and through Outdoor Educational experiences. This message of positive reinforcement is embedded in every subject taught at the school, and in our Chapel services and Bible readings.

All our staff consciously teach positive values as we want our girls to be healthy, vibrant and optimistic individuals. We encourage our students to be intellectually curious and determined to succeed in all pursuits. Our goal at PLC Armidale is for our students to be happy and flourishing.