Term 4

2023 Service of Nine Lessons and carols

Our Service of Nine Lessons and Carols in the Cathedral is a sublime conclusion to more than two weeks of activity and service in the community by our girls. This annual end to our school year brings the joy of Christmas into our hearts, and we thank the wonderful staff who coordinated this inspiring program.

Congratulations, and thank you to PLC Senior Choir and Bel Canto for your exceptional contribution to the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. The energy and expertise of the ensemble was exceptional, invigorated by the highly appreciated contribution of staff, alumni and the Offcuts Mens Choir who joined us. 

Congratulations to our soloists Arlie Bragg, Emily Blake, India Smith, Scarlett Loxley, Maddison Elbourne, Alannah Williams, Bella Waters and Khushi Aila for your exceptional work. Thank you especially to organist Warwick Dunham and to Reverend Chris Brennan for allowing PLC to use St Peter's Anglican Cathedral for the service. 

Congratulations also to our readers. What a superb evening.

Matthew Minter - PLC Armidale Director of Music