Time to shine

2023 Stage 2

Congratulations Stage 2  

Dimity Aiken 

Inquisitive engagement and research in Science, HSIE and excellent contributions in class discussions. Dimity is most proud of her artworks, especially her drawing and painting of the Tiger quoll and of her research with the students from Wuhan.

Lucinda Azon- Jacometti

Consistent engagement and diligence in English, Christian Studies and Art, and achievement in all areas of Music. Lucinda received a Silver Music Award and also a Silver Sport Award. Lucinda is most proud of completing her NAPLAN tests and reaching her improvement goals in maths, reading, writing and art.

Audrey Belford 

Excellence in English and Mathematics and commitment to learning in all key learning areas. Audrey receives a Bronze Sport Award and a Bronze Music Award. Audrey is most proud of her achievements in division and multiplication and in art.

Phoebe Butterworth

Outstanding achievement in all areas of Music and the

Creative Arts, high achievement in English and excellence in Sport. Phoebe is presented with the Coaches Award for her efforts playing in the U11 Tigers Hockey Team and a Gold Sport Award. Phoebe is most proud of her improvement in her times tables and she wants to continue to improve her fluency. 

Danielle Creamer 

Excellence in Mathematics, enthusiasm and contribution in English and excellent effort in Physical Education. Danielle is most proud of successfully fitting in after moving schools and for having the ‘best class of her life’.

Grace Elbourne 

Exceptional commitment and effort in Choir, Mathematics and Creative Arts and excellent contributions in SRC. Grace receives a Silver Music Award. Grace is most proud of her art and writing and she loves the feeling of accomplishing her goals when receiving awards.

April Ferguson 

Improved confidence and high achievement in all areas of English, application in Science and dedication to learning within the curriculum and beyond. April receives a Silver Sport Award and a Silver Sport Award. April is most proud of her achievement in NAPLAN, making new friends and building some stronger friendships.

Lucy Johnson 

Improvement in English, effort and achievement in Visual Arts and exceptional citizenship. Lucy is most proud of her achievement in art, especially her tree painting because it was really fun to make and it looks really good too.

Shiloni Katta 

High achievement in Mathematics, Excellence in Multiplication and Spelling, dedication and improvement in English and excellent application and contribution to Choir. Shiloni is presented with a Gold Music Award. Shiloni is most proud of her extension work in Mathematics and her commitment and diligence in completing her outstanding homework every week.

Evie Lawlor 

Effort and achievement in Reading activities and comprehension, Spelling and in beginning to learn multiplication. Evie is most proud of her improvement in times tables and mathematics

Lamar Majrashi 

Outstanding citizenship, enthusiasm for learning, high achievement in English and excellent effort and demonstration of Sportsmanship in Physical Education. Lamar has been selected to receive the Most Improved Player in the U11 Tigers Hockey Team. Lamar is most proud of her achievements in developing her skills and neatness in handwriting and art, her timing and fluency in Mathematics and her respect for PLC Armidale.

Allegra May 

Outstanding achievement and focus in Music, Excellence in Reading, Spelling and Vocabulary work and high achievement in Mathematics. Allegra receives a Gold Music Award. Allegra is most proud of her skills in art, especially in her eucalyptus tree painting and her achievement in multiplication and Mathematics.

Lana Milunovic 

Unquenchable enthusiasm in Christian Studies, effort and application in Mathematics and Visual Arts and excellent participation and achievement in Sport. For her efforts in music Lana receives a Silver Music Award. Lana is most proud of her detailed artwork and her singing.

Mina Moghaddar 

Excellent application and achievement in Music and Spelling and positive engagement in all subject areas. Mina is selected at the Most Improved Indoor Hockey player in the Penguins Team. Mina is most proud of her accuracy in her spelling and mathematics work this year.

Evelyn Nizik 

High achievement in Creative Arts, personal growth in English, engagement in learning and improvement in Numeracy. Evelyn is most proud of her writing, maths and science work this year.

Freda Schaeffer 

Commitment to learning in Science, improvement in all areas of English and personal growth in Mathematics. Freda receives a Bronze Music Award. Freda is most proud of her work in art, maths, Read Theory, science and reading groups this year.

Isabella Wyatt 

Excellent application and contribution to Choir, HSIE, Mathematics and Science lessons and exemplary contributions in SRC. Isabella is presented with a Gold Sport Award. Isabella is most proud of her achievements in writing and mathematics.

Lydia Yuan 

Excellence in Visual Arts, improvement in English and commitment to learning in HSIE and Science. This year Lydia receives a Silver Music Award. Lydia is most proud of her reading and her artworks this year.

This is your daughter's Time to Shine - Ad Astra girls!

You will find a photo gallery for the Time to Shine event HERE