Time to shine

2023 Year 5

Congratulations Year 5  

Georgina Arundale- Fuller

Outstanding achievement and contribution in English. High achievement in History and Geography. Commitment and enthusiasm in Mathematics and Creative Arts. Georgina received the Most Improved medal for her efforts playing netball this year and a Gold Sport Award. "I am most proud of my 20 percent project, my A+ in Speech& Drama and my friendships."

Georgiana Ballard 

Citizenship, Exceptional commitment and achievement in Choir. High contribution and enthusiasm in Science and Creative Arts. Application and improved confidence in English and Mathematics. Georgiana received a Gold Sport Award and a Bronze Music Award. "I am most proud of my improved speed doing times tables, my improved handwriting fluency and my broader friendship group."

Emily Christian 

Increased competence in Physical Education. Excellent application and focus in English. Improved confidence and contribution in Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Science and Creative Arts. "I am most proud of the friendships I have made and my improvement in Mathematics."

Sophia Craig 

Outstanding achievement and enthusiasm in Music. Excellent achievement and contribution in English, History and Science. High application and focus in Mathematics and Creative Arts. Sophia received a Silver Music Award. "I am most proud of my growth in my social, emotional and academic skills."

Thara Dhinakaran 

Consistent application and focus in English and Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Technology and Creative Arts. "I am most proud of the friendships I have made."

Evie Donaldson 

High achievement in Physical Education. High achievement and contribution in English, Mathematics and Science. Commitment and enthusiasm in Visual Arts. Evie received the Coaches Awards for her efforts playing in the PLC U11s Lions Hockey Team and a Gold Sport Award. "I am most proud of my sporting achievements."

Rose Hopkinson 

High achievement and application in Creative Arts. Improved confidence and achievement in English and Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Science and Technology. "I am most proud of making friends inside and outside of school, and being willing to try new things."

Mary Notley 

Commitment and enthusiasm in Science and Visual Arts. Improved confidence and application in English. Consistent focus and engagement in Mathematics. Mary received a Gold Sport Award. "I am most proud of my improvement in reading."

Pippa Notley 

Excellent application and focus in Visual Arts. Consistent application and improved confidence in Reading and Mathematics. Enthusiasm and focus in Science and Technology. Pippa received a Silver Sport Award. "I am most proud of the friendships I have made."

Khadija Shaikh 

Excellent achievement in Science. High application and contribution in English and Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Creative Arts. "I am most proud of my growth in multiplication, public speaking and my improvement in speech and drama."

Prodipta Shil 

Outstanding achievement and contribution in English, Mathematics and Science. High achievement in History and Geography. Excellent application and enthusiasm in Visual Arts. "I am most proud of my academic progress, my 20 per cent project, my achievements in music and sport, and the friendships I have made so far."

Lucie Stephen 

High achievement in Science and Technology. Consistent focus and engagement in Christian Studies. Improved effort and contribution in Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Creative Arts. Lucy received the Coaches Award for playing Indoor Hockey in the PLC Penguins team."I am most proud of my improvement in speech and drama."

Stella Thomas 

High achievement in Technology. Consistent application and improved confidence in English and Mathematics. Commitment and enthusiasm in Creative Arts. Stella receives medallions for the Most Improved Player in the PLC Lions Hockey Team and the PLC Red Netball Coaches award and a Gold Sport Award. "I am most proud of my improvement in mathematics and for playing netball for the Year 7 team."

Maria Ugwumba 

Excellent commitment and focus in Choir. Outstanding achievement and contribution in Mathematics. High achievement in English and Science. Commitment and maturing knowledge in Christian Studies. Maria is receiving a Gold Sport Award. "I am most proud of my progress in Mathematics, Reading, handwriting and Speech and Drama. I am also proud of going to IPSHA."

Annabella Wysel 

Excellence in all areas of Music. Outstanding achievement and contribution in English and History. High achievement in Science and Technology. Consistent effort in Physical Education and Mathematics. Annabella receives a Gold Music Award. "I am most proud of my improvement in Reading and Writing. I am also proud of finishing Year 5."

Ruoyan (Vicky) Xu 

Application and focus in learning the English language. Commitment and enthusiasm in Visual Arts and Technology. "I am most proud of the friendships I have made."

This is your daughter's Time to Shine - Ad Astra girls!

You will find a photo gallery for the Time to Shine event HERE