Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)

Stage 1 is such a wonderful chance for children to explore and extend what they have learned in previous years, and to further develop their identity as a learner. Years 1 and 2 offer many exciting opportunities for students to explore concepts through the explicit teaching of ideas, as well as experimenting through discovery. 

At this stage your daughter’s specialist lessons have been timetabled for the following days, however some changes may occur in the first few weeks. If this happens, I will advise you of any changes as soon as possible, via email.

Students are to wear their PE/Sport uniform and joggers each Wednesday, and they are welcome to wear it on Fridays if they play hockey after school. Learn 2 Swim will commence in Week 3 of Term 1, so the girls will need to bring their swimming kit (swimmers, towel, goggles, comb or hair brush etc) along to school each Wednesday morning. More details about the Learn 2 Swim program will be communicated by Mrs Young. Below is a copy of our timetable.

Weekly homework will be sent home each Tuesday starting next week, and should be returned the following Monday. Homework activities will focus on consolidating skills and strategies learned in class, as well as building fluency and automaticity in spelling, reading and mathematics. This year your daughter will use her school diary as her reading log – please help her to fill in the books she reads each day in the allocated place.

Each week your daughter will speak to the class about a topic. She is welcome to bring an item to help with her news, however it is best if precious items are left at home. It is preferred that the girls only bring special items on news days. It would be great if you could discuss the weekly news topic with your daughter so that she is prepared to present to the class. 

SeeSaw will be used to celebrate learning and special events in our class. Previous SeeSaw accounts have been rolled over, and invites sent to new families. Please contact me if you are having trouble accessing it at any time.

Things to remember:

Stage 1 Teacher - Mrs Susanne Dowling