Year 5

Homework – This will be sent home each Tuesday. The expectation is that the girls complete one Maths Mentals unit per week. Each day they can write their spelling list in their book and do a little bit of reading each night. If your daughter is keen to do more, there will be a Spelling grid with additional activities she can do. Only choose one for the week. This grid will keep her busy for the entire term. Homework is to be returned back to school each Monday.

PE/Sport – PE sessions will be on Tuesdays with Mrs Donaldson and then Sport on Thursdays with myself, Ms Pracy and Mrs Robertson. Please send your daughter to school on the ‘T’ days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) in her PE uniform.

Label all belongings – Please ensure that your daughter’s belongings are clearly labelled. This includes all items of clothing, lunch containers, drink bottles, paint shirt and pencil cases. 

Reading Cushion – Each day your daughter will be engaged in quiet, uninterrupted, sustained reading for enjoyment. Your daughter is welcome to bring to school a cushion for use during this time. The cushions will be stored in our reading corner and used only by your child throughout the term.

Things to remember: