
Guild Drama

We ended the school year with one of our most exciting and entertaining Whole School events - Guild Drama.

The Dorothy Knox Centre was crammed with the PLC Armidale community to watch our four Guilds battle it out for the Guild Drama Cup - and it was spectaculr to watch.

This entrely student led production is amazing and involves girls from kindergarten through to Year 11 - with a large cohort of our freshly graduated Year 12's also coming along to barrack for their Guild !! 

Every year, an inspirational quote is pulled from a hat and this year, in homage to the author who inspired our 2023 musical 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'Road Dahl who said "“Having power is not nearly as important as what you choose to do with it.”

Each Guild created an entertaining drama using this quote as inspiration - the line also had to be used somewhere in the script. The scripts, choreography, costumes and music for each production was developed and performed entirely by the Guild members .

The hot day ensured our P&F was kept busy providing cold drinks, ice-blocks and snacks during intervals, while a delicious afternoon tea in the garden was provided by our parent community as we awaited the judges decision.

And the winner of the 2023 Guild Drama was ..................WILKIE!  

Congratulations Wilkie - your comedy sketch outlining what happens when Steve Irwin runs Australia for Scomo while he holidays in Hawaii for the weekend was award-winning stuff and deftly illustrated the importance of how you use power.

Congratulations to all the Guilds - every production was wonderful.

The Judges 2023 Guild Drama Awards went to:



SENIOR SCHOOL - Tiko Lay and Zoe Webb (joint winners)



SENIOR SCHOOL - Daisy Donaldson and Poppy-Grace Newton (joint winners)



SENIOR SCHOOL - Navita Maher and Charlotte Coventry. (joint winners)

JUNIOR SCHOOL - Ava Greatrex


SENIOR SCHOOL - Mary Lin and Emily Blake (joint winners)

JUNIOR SCHOOL - Evie Donaldson

And the overall Guild Points winner for 2023 was announced as........HAMLIN !! 

Congratulations Hamlin - you are now on the Perpetual Shield as the overall winning guild for 2023.

The performance order was as follows: Hamlin, Lovell, Wilkie, Dixon

In Hamlin’s "A Cinderella Story," Charli, a resilient young woman, faces life's challenges after her father's passing. Guided by her Fairy Godmother, she embarks on a transformative journey through "Barbie Land," learning about individuality. In "Annie's Land," Annie and the other orphans teach Charli the power of self-belief, and in "Muppet Land," Miss Piggy imparts lessons about self-love and embracing uniqueness with humour and wisdom.

In their preparation Sophia and Andrea have shown resilience, and perseverance in the ups and downs of leadership. After a rocky start - they have come full circle - just like Cinderella! Please would you welcome Hamlin.

Lovell Guild eagerly anticipates the joyous union of Sir Donkey and Madam Dragon in holy matrimony. However, chaos ensues at the wedding ceremony when Puss in Boots, the ring bearer, inadvertently misplaces the precious ring. As the town's inhabitants embark on a quest retracing Puss's adventurous day to find the missing ring, they encounter various challenges and comedic mishaps in the jungle, under the sea, and in the clouds. The Lovell Guild hopes to show you a valuable lesson about the enduring power of honesty, forgiveness, and the unbreakable bonds that unite a community, reminding everyone that love and friendship prevail over all obstacles.

A calm and quiet leader Lily has guided her guild very well, and while we didn’t think the backdrop would make it - here it is, well done! Please would you welcome, Lovell.

In the uproarious and unexpected comedy created by Wilkie, the Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, shocks the nation by announcing his sudden resignation at a press conference. Overwhelmed by the demands of the job, he decides to take a weekend break, leaving the country in the hands of none other than the legendary Steve Irwin. As Steve steps into the role of Prime Minister, chaos ensues, leading to a changed national anthem, unexpected appearances on reality TV shows, and even a stint as a judge on "Dancing with the Stars." The story culminates in a lively and unforgettable finale dance that brings the characters together for the best night of their lives.

Mia has really shone as guild leader and led her guild with such enthusiasm and positive energy the rest of the guild can’t help but have fun. Get excited for some key moments that will make you laugh, be amazed and even cry. 

Dixon Guild's drama unfolds as a captivating exploration into the lives of four iconic female athletes, delving into the challenges and triumphs of their professional sports careers. The dynamic TV show introduces the athletes, who share insights on motivation and resilience.. The narrative emphasises the athletes' personal stories, highlighting the parallels between their journeys and the struggles faced by characters in films like 'Frozen,' 'Tangled,' and 'Mamma Mia.' Dixon celebrates strength, unity, and the transformative power of sports in shaping lives.

Well done to Ellen and Bella who have shaped their Dixon guild with quiet confidence, warmth and grace. Please would you welcome, Dixon.