Stage 5 DRAMA

 Hitler's Daughter

This award-winning play by MonkeyBaa Theatre Company tells the story of Hitler's Daughter through the eyes of four Australian children Mark, Ben, Anna and Tracey. 

Our Stage 5 drama class worked together to create this production - entirely during their Term 2 classes. 

Some worked on sets and props, while others created projections and sound effects. Others directed their peers to stage the play while others created marketing and advertising. 

"This has been a wonderful experience for the student in a play that encourages students to think about diversity, tolerance, moral responsibility, courage, and right from wrong", said Mrs Jo Wysel, our Head of Creative and Performing Arts. 

The production was performed for two nights at the Armidale Playhouse in July. 

As the friends wait for the school bus in country Australia one rainy morning, Anna begins to tell the tale of Heidi, daughter of the most hated man in history....