Year 6

Year 6 is the important final year in the Junior School as the students take on the role of peer leaders within our community.  

Classroom logistics:

A copy of the term timetable is in your daughter’s diary.  This details the schedule for the week (both week A and B are the same), as well as the uniform required for each day.  On Thursdays, girls are rostered to present at Chapel/Assembly and will need to arrive at school in their full school uniform and bring their sport uniform to change into afterwards.

Homework will be sent home every Tuesday and is due on the following Monday. This is consistent across the Junior School and allows students time to complete activities on the weekend if required due to weekday commitments. 

Use the student diaries for minor communication. The girls are required to bring these to school daily and will use their diaries to record important dates, events and homework.

We will be using Seesaw as our digital portfolio to share student learning and experiences with you. Liking and commenting on student work is a useful way to encourage your girls, promote their learning confidence and also provide a starting point for at-home discussions about their learning and school day.

Year 6 Teacher - Ms Emma Pracy