Many students at PLC Armidale have their own mobile communication devices. These range from simple mobile phones, to I-phones and other handheld devices. These are used for accessing information, communication and personal security.

PLC Armidale applies the principles of common sense and courtesy to the use of all mobile technologies by students at school. Mobile phones should not be turned on in class, at meetings, assembly or chapel or when speaking with a member of staff or a student.

Student devices should be connected to the College WiFi network while on College premises to aid in safe use of internet resources. Students should not be using cellular data on their devices as the College is unable to provide safe access to internet resources.

Students should not use any technologies that bypass College filtering, including but not limited to VPN and proxy systems.

If a teacher requires the use of mobile phones for a class activity then students will be informed beforehand. During tests and assessments mobile technologies may not be brought into the classroom. This is in line with NESA rules for external examinations.

Students are responsible for the security of their phone. The usual rules about bullying and protection of privacy of individuals apply-sending offensive text messages, taking photos of students or staff without permission and so forth, are not permitted. Any students found breaking these rules will be faced with severe consequences. Our guiding principles are of common sense, sensitivity towards context and respect for others.

All student mobile phones are to be switched off between 8.30am and 3.30pm. Students are to place their mobile phones in the box at the front of the classroom at the start of each lesson and collect it again at the end of the lesson.

Students are not allowed to use their phones during the day unless instructed to by a teacher for educational purposes. Should a student be found using her mobile phone during the day without permission, the phone will be confiscated and a demerit will be issued.