IT Acceptable Use Agreement
The IT network at PLC Armidale is provided predominantly for curriculum related purposes and to support and assist all students in their learning. It is important that each individual remembers that her use of technology impacts upon others.
Breaching this Agreement will result in restricted access or further disciplinary action depending on the nature of the offence. Certain behaviours using technology could result in legal action or prosecution.
Conditions of Use
Students are not to reveal their password to others or use the passwords of others. Students must logout at the end of any session of use of the network.
Students will not submit their, name, address or other personal details or publish photographs of themselves using the PLC Armidale network or under the PLC Armidale name (e.g. Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok and lnstagram).
Students will not attempt to access or alter the files of others in the PLC Armidale network.
Students may not copy software to or from the PLC Armidale network.
No food or drink is allowed in any area where computer facilities are set up.
Damage to hardware, software, systems, data of others or web pages will be regarded as vandalism.
Copying, printing or redistributing the work of others without acknowledgement, or sometimes without permission, violates the Copyright Act. Presenting work as your own is plagiarism.
Material of a pornographic, racist, sexist, irreligious, abusive, offensive or violent nature will not be accessed.
Privacy cannot be guaranteed for email directed to a school account or when using the network.
Students are encouraged to use printing facilities wisely and be mindful of the environment.
The network may not be used for the distribution of junk mail or chain letters.Â
This agreement must be signed before a student receives access to the network and remains in force for the duration of the student's enrolment.