compliments, concerns & complaints

PLC Armidale welcomes feedback. To enable us to continually improve our school we encourage suggestions from parents, students, community members and staff. 

PLC Armidale is also committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students, staff and members of the PLC Armidale community. 

Parents, students and staff have a right to raise concerns and have them addressed in a timely manner by an appropriate member of staff. In the first instance, complaints should be addressed to the class teacher, Year Patron or relevant head of section according to the nature of the complaint. 

Complaints will be handled objectively and with sensitivity. 

PLC Armidale is committed to settling complaints of any nature in a timely manner, using procedural fairness and respect for all.

The full policy can be requested from the Principal's office.

To submit feedback, go to the Compliments, Concerns & Complaints Form.